Monday, September 28, 2015

We Have The Videos!

We shot a bunch of footage at a local studio of game play and such that we thought we might use as part of a possible Kickstarter campaign. Below are links to a few of the edited videos. Enjoy!

All or Nothing Promo

All or Nothing Tutorial 1

All or Nothing Tutorial 2

All or Nothing Blooper Reel

Monday, July 20, 2015

The Rules

What follows are the rules of play for All or Nothing, a trick taking card game for people, young or old, in all walks and stages of life, who truly enjoy card games, camaraderie and friendly competition.

How to Play:
For 3 to 6 players. With 3 or 4 players, deal each player 10 cards. With 5 or 6 players, deal each player 8 cards. There will be cards left over with anything other than 6 players. Place those aside for the next dealer.
Players start with 100 points, the goal is to get to 0 points or to have the lowest score at the end of 10 hands.
The player to the left of the dealer bids first, then clockwise around the table. Bidding is simple: you bid All to take all of the tricks, or Nothing to take none of the tricks. The scorekeeper notes the bid on the provided score sheet.

Play Sequence:
The first player that bid is first to lead. That player plays any card from their hand. If the player is attempting to take all of the tricks, that card will likely be high. If that player bid Nothing, then that card will likely be low. Play continues clockwise, following the suit of the first suited card played, unless an A or N card is played These ALL or NOTHING cards (shown in second photo below) may be played at any time.
The ALL or NOTHING cards are special, and will be described in full below under card hierarchy. What's important now is that the highest card of the lead suit takes the trick. The person who took the trick leads next. This process is continued until all cards in the players hand are played, one per trick, completing that hand.

If a player bid NOTHING and took no tricks, that player gets 20 points subtracted from their score. For example, if you had a score of 100 and successfully bid NOTHING in hand 1, your score would then be 80. If a player bids ALL and takes every trick, that player gets 100 points subtracted from their score. If that player had 100 points or less at the start of the hand and reaches a score of 0, that player immediately wins the game.
If a player fails to make their bid, either ALL or NOTHING, they get 10 points added to their score for each trick they missed their bid by. So if you bid all and two tricks were taken by other players, you'd get 20 points added to your score. If you bid NOTHING and took 1 trick, you'd gain 10 points to your score. That is not how you win, for the record.

Card Hierarchy:
There are 48 cards in the ALL or NOTHING deck: 40 numbered cards, and 4 each of the ALL and NOTHING cards.
Cards come numbered 1 thru 10, in 4 suits. Larger numbers beat smaller numbers. Players must follow suit with the following exceptions:
  • They play an ALL card from their hand.
  • They play a NOTHING card from their hand.
  • They play a FLIP card (that's a new one! More in a second.) from their hand.
  • They have none of the suit led, and then may play any card they choose.
ALL cards start out high; the first one played is the highest unless it is FLIPPED.
NOTHING cards start out low; the first one played being higher than subsequent NOTHINGs, unless one of them is FLIPPED, in which case the FLIPPED one becomes highest.

You will notice some cards have yellow suits below the numbers instead of black or white. These are FLIP cards. They FLIP the associated ALL or NOTHING card to the opposite state. For example, the 1 of Spades (or 9 of clubs) will FLIP the NOTHING card (second photo below) to an ALL card. A 2 of Hearts (or 10 of diamonds) will FLIP the ALL card in that photo to a NOTHING. Notice there are 2 cards shown on each ALL or NOTHING. If the other FLIP card is played (the 9 of Clubs and 10 of Diamonds in these examples) the card will FLIP AGAIN to its original state. So if the 1 of Spades is played, the NOTHING becomes an ALL; it becomes a NOTHING again if the 9 of clubs is played.
Trust me, you want to pay attention to when FLIP cards are played if you have ALL or NOTHING cards in your hand. This is key to successfully making your bids.

That's it! Later you will be able to find optional play rules on that will provide for team play, harder bidding, and increased level of havoc. That's what this game is all about.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Welcome Reviewers!

Welcome Reviewers,

All or Nothing is a fast-paced, trick-taking game with many twists and turns. The 48-card game of four suits is appropriate for 3-6 players, singly or in teams, ages 8-108.

We are reaching out to avid gamers and game reviewers for their valuable feedback and support.

For insight into All or Nothing game play read the following blog entries (click below):

Please leave your contact information if you would like us to contact you when All or Nothing is available for purchase. We appreciate the time you have taken to visit the All or Nothing website.

With kind regards,
Debby and the rest of the team, Damon, Shannon and Jeff

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Cars and Cards

One letter different, but worlds of frustration apart.

I love cards. I love the concept, the interplay of the rules, and the gatherings in friendship that cards creates.

I love cars too!  The fun of acceleration, the concentration in a hard corner, the sound of the engine, the smells of petroleum derivatives. I love everything about them. Except the $$$ involved.

My favorite car is sitting in my garage, taunting me with the lack of a water pump. This is no American car, with the $100 repair that a bad water pump would be on Chevy small block. This is a German car. And because of that, you can add a ZERO to pretty much any repair it seems. $984 to put a new water pump on my car.

I was scheduled for Monday to get it repaired. I cancelled that appointment. Why?  Because I have cards. I have cards to play, I have cards to Kickstart, and I have a commitment to my friends to get this game out the door.  That money, it seems to me at this point, is far better spent on cards than cars.

So thank you, cards, for giving me an alternative. Thank you for giving me something that is mostly joy with only occasional moments of frustration, as opposed to joy followed by a grinding noise then continuous frustration.

Thank you cards.

Sunday, June 21, 2015


... is something we want to avoid.

Debby sent me a link to a few Kickstarters that didn't make it, specifically card games.

Things we noticed that might have impacted their lack of successs.

1. No video.  We think that it's critical that you not only meet the designers, but that you see the card game in action. There will be videos of our game.

2. Lack of information about how the game is played.  I suspect the designers of those games didn't want anyone to steal their ideas.  That is not something I worry about.  As an author I know a bit about copyright laws, and the fact is that as soon as you create original content, whether it's graphical or textual, it's protected by law. Our game will not be stolen, so you can bet we'll share with you how it works. Could someone come close to copying it?  Sure, and you'll never stop that sort of thing.  But we trust you, the consumer, to reward us for our efforts with your good faith.

3. No content. We want to make sure you have plenty of options as the Kickstarter becomes more successful.

Things we will have for you:

  1. A downloadable .pdf scoresheet
  2. An app to electronically score your games. We're not sure if this will be free at all levels of funding, but there will be a level at which it's provided to all supporters. 
  3. A website to share ideas, optional rules, ideas for other games. We want to listen to you, our supporters, because our goal is long term success. 
I'll be the first to admit that I'm an idea guy, and my work comes in surges and starts. But that's why I'm teamed with people who balance that out. Debby is an avid researcher and is constantly sharing ideas that inspire me. Jeff does the same. My wife, bless her heart, she's a brilliant woman who can ferret out any bad gameplay. So we will bring you an excellent game.

We play what we create.  We're all demanding and critical people. If we don't like it, you'll never see it.  That is our promise.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


A script has been written with a short interview for the Kickstarter video.  We'll be making more content, but it's a step in the direction and help sets the tone for how we want this game to be seen.

Family friendly. Easily played by kids and parents.


Competitive.  Also easily played by friends having a few beers and reveling in friendly competition.

I know when we, the developers play, we laugh and take quite a bit of joy in some of the unexpected outcomes, especially if it deprives someone of making an All bid. 

Will you like this game?  I think you will. It's friendly and competitive at the same time, creating memorable moments of comraderie as well as opportunities to gloat.

Optional rule #117:  Take a drink every time an All or Nothing card is flipped.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Been a while

I haven't posted a recent update because my family moved to a new house. If there is a more abhorrent process in our lives that doesn't involve the collapse of modern civilization, I don't know what it is. 

So quit whining and update what's going on with the game?


Right now we're working on a script for our kickstarter video.  I'm not going to give away any details, but it involves a really cute actress.  Nobody famous... or not yet anyway.

The script writing isn't hard, because I'm funny and my daugh... er, the actress is funny too.  It should be a blast to do.

We've continued the testing process, taking the game out in public. It's been played at an author convention, a gaming convention... and by a mathematician who loves the game now.  That's a good sign.  When the math guys love your game, you've closed the holes.

We've started very early testing of our next game, which I'm not at liberty to disclose the name of yet. You'll get more SOON™.

What else... there is a lot of behind the scenes discussion right now on packaging, marketing, and getting this thing ready to fly.  We welcome suggestions from the public, and I believe that means you.  If you know a good card printer that prints nice black core cards, feel free to speak up for them and help out our project.  Same goes if you have any Kickstarter tips.  I'd love to see them in the comments below.

Oh, and if you're not familiar with this by now, I'm also an author.  My book is on sale for the next week for .99 on Amazon Kindle.  Offer ends June 18th.*Version*=1&*entries*=0

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Score!!! (Sheet)

There a lots of moving parts in developing anything, even something as simple as a card game. In working towards our Kickstarter launch, we need to get lots of seemingly small pieces going. One of those pieces is the score sheet for the game. While there will be an app to make it easy to keep score, a paper score sheet may fit the bill for some people. Here is a look at the work in progress.

Check out this post to learn how to keep score.

Sunday, April 19, 2015


I'm working on getting a table at Malcon in Denver to show off the game, and probably host some public playtest sessions there as well.

If approved for that, I'll be there and maybe some of the rest of the team will as well.  Schedules are tight, I can't speak for them yet.

Oh, and my books will be there.  If you haven't seen my authorial offerings, please feel free to stop on by my author page on Amazon.

Thanks for stopping by to visit!  Hopefully it wasn't for nothing, and it was for All or Nothing. ;)

Monday, April 6, 2015

Who We Are - Posted by Debby

Any enterprise has a who, what, when, where, why and how. This blog addresses who is behind All or Nothing. We four design team members are Damon, Shannon, Jeff and Debby.

Damon is a fiction writer, artist and science geek. While he follows his own muse, he doesn't find the creative process quite complete until he shares his work with others. To keep a game this fun all to himself would be unthinkable. He has even more cool stuff to share on his Damon Alan author page here.

Shannon is a psychiatric nurse with some serious moxie. When she's not working or studying, raising a family or running errands, this girl just wants to have fun. Anyone out there who has ever worked as hard as she does deserves a little fun too. Go ahead, take your mind off your responsibilities for an hour and take all that stress out on your friends. What happens at the card table stays at the card table.

Jeff develops and launches products. He is a tinkerer and hobbyist who loves games. You can't make money; that's illegal. You have to make stuff you are good at making and then get other people to give you their money for it. He thinks this game is frightening but will let the consumer decide.

Debby is a provider of activities for residents in Long Term and Memory Care. She loves helping people reach their full potential. Playing games is so good for us: social interaction, emotional expression, and exercise for our brains. She also likes well designed products in pretty packages. What could be more self-actualizing than helping create and share a game she enjoys herself?

We four play games together once or twice a week to enjoy friendly competition and camaraderie. We hope that All or Nothing will provide hours of awesome fun for you and yours.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Petrie's Family Games

I went to a game developer forum tonight at Petrie's Family Games here in Colorado Springs.

I have to confess, I wasn't sure what to expect. It had been a while since I'd been to Petrie's and last time I visited they were in a small strip mall near Woodmen and Lexington. Their new store is much larger, with room to play games, more floor space for products, and a friendly and welcoming atmosphere just like before.

Petrie's Family Games
7681 N Union Blvd
Colorado Springs, CO 80920
(719) 522-1099

I'd personally like to thank Cameron for enabling my introduction of my kids to HeroClix. I hear a new sucking sound attached to my wallet. Apparently the Night Elf character from World of Thor is "darn near invulnerable" according to my middlest child.

We, my daughters and I, got to playtest some other games too.

A favorite and right up my alley was a game called Stockpile. One of the designers, a young man named Brett Sobol, was there and did a great job of introducing us to the game. I had a chance to pre-order it tonight, but since I'd just sank $50 into HeroClix, I didn't. I probably should have, I think my wife would like it a lot. I know I did.

You can find the details for Stockpile here:

I also played a game called Barnyard Legions designed by Andrew Meredith. It was shown to us tonight by a friend of the designer, and I feel remiss in saying that I do not have that gentleman's name. Barnyard Legions is a family card game, which while it says is ages 13 and up, I think is probably more like 10 and up. The game will be going to Kickstarter soon, and if you're looking for a family game that is quick and fun I recommend it. The artwork and gameplay are excellent.

You can find details on Barnyard Legions here:

Did I take All or Nothing to be playtested by the experts? Of course I did. Cameron was kind enough to say he'd stock it in his store. I'd like to think that was self-serving on his part because he's a marketing genius who knows a future giant in the game world when he sees it. Yes, in fact, I think that must be it. Cameron is a visionary and sees where this is going.

We had six players so we played team play instead of solo, and it was pretty fun. I'd have liked to played it with these guys more. I did get a request to sell a deck tonight from a gentleman named Dustin, but I did what I think was the smart game designer thing. In return for playtesting reports, I gave Dustin a free deck. Hopefully by tonight, Easter evening, his entire family is begging him to get them a copy of the game. ;)

I think playtesting went well. The concept of the game went over well, with one suggestion from Brett Sobol for a rule that I think could certainly be added into the optional rules list once I run it past our design team and it passes muster with them.

What a great evening. I learned a lot, got to play great games, and support a local game store in the process. What can be better than that?

Monday, March 30, 2015

Score! - Posted by Debby

Some people keep score, some don't. Shannon does, for cards anyway. A large part of the fun for many card players is the rush that comes with meeting a challenge. The thrill of victory. For a card game to be truly satisfying it needs to deliver on this thrill.

In its first incarnation, ours didn't.

Shannon made our very first All bid, taking every trick in a hand. Damon was thrilled. "That's awesome!" But Shannon didn't feel a rush. Losing 50 points out of 100, when those who made a zero bid lost 20 just wasn't satisfactory. All that work for a mere 30 point advantage.

Let me explain. In All or Nothing every player starts with a score of 100, aiming to lose points each hand to be the first to reach zero and win the game. Players who bid zero tricks and make their bid, will lose 20 points. Five solid zero bids in a row and one wins the game. For every trick a player is off a bid he/she gains 10 points. However, if a player bids all tricks and makes the bid, he/she now loses 100 points. Enough to win the game in the very first hand.

Believe me. That's a rush. It's not easy to win an All bid when your playmates are bent on sabotage. For me it’s well worth the risk. If I find myself with a hand of broken straights I'm all over it.

Monday, March 23, 2015

You'll Flip!!! - Posted by Debby

I volunteer at the retirement village where my grandmother, an avid devotee of Hand and Foot, resides. When I ran into her one morning outside the cafe, our conversation naturally turned to cards.

"My friends and I are developing a new card game."

"Is it fun?" she wanted to know.

This is the lovely sort of woman who cares for the ill, coos over babies and attends religious services every Sunday. But when it comes to cards she's a fierce competitor.

"It lets you mess with your neighbors," I offered.

"Goooood," She smiled broadly, a menacing, almost hungry gleam in her eye.

All or Nothing is a trick taking game with no trump suit. Each deck of 48 cards has four suits, each numbered 1 through 10, four All cards, which are generally high, and four Nothing cards, which are generally low. Each All or Nothing card, however, can be flipped opposite by exactly two other cards in the deck. These flip cards are the 1, 2, 9 and 10 of each suit. The 2s and 10s flip Alls to Nothings while the 1s and 9s flip Nothings to Alls.

It may seem like a lot of complications to remember, but fear not. These powerful cards are indicated by suit symbols colored gold. Also, each All or Nothing card has its nemesis cards indicated on it. We giggle when the entire table leans in to read an All card together. Who can flip it? Who can turn their neighbor's strategy to dust? Or maybe, your flipping of the card is their strategy?

I think my grandma is going to like it.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

So about me...

How's that for a title?

My name is Damon. I'm a retired Air Traffic Controller who really needs a purpose in life. Well, another purpose. I'm the husband of an amazing woman (my partner in this, Shannon) and the father of three incredible young women.

I am a creative monster. Not that I'll speak to how great what I create is, but I love to innovate, solve problems, and use my brain. For those reasons my second career is author, and now game designer.  Okay, I'm going to speak a little about how great what I create is, because All or Nothing is fricking awesome. It wasn't me alone, by any means. It was me who originated the idea, then my wife and I played practice games in our basement haven to work out the rough rules. Then we invited our other two co-creators into the mix and together we all refined the rules. So yeah, I do have a part in creating some really cool stuff.

I'm an artist, I sculpt, draw and paint once in a great while. I love cars, dogs, and computers. I've been known to screw off playing a video game when I should be doing something productive.

I'm also very modest, because that's how cool I am. :p

I also have an extremely cool dog. Extremely cool.  He's often by my side egging me on to get the next project done. Or begging for a Milk Bone. It's so hard to tell dog motives apart.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Public Exposure

No, that doesn't mean what it sounds like. ;)

We took the game on the road tonight, playing at Montague's Coffee Shop in Colorado Springs. If you haven't been there, it's recommended. Great atmosphere, and a good friend of mine works there. Jade will make sure your time there is up to snuff.

We played All or Nothing with six players tonight, author Bob Spiller joined us along with his lovely bride Barbara. It was the first time the Spillers saw the game and played. Both picked the nuances up pretty darn quick. We played individual play for 5 rounds, and then we played as teams of 2 for a full 10 round game. It was close right up to the end and I was actually worried we were making too much noise.

"Oh, wow, this game is fun!" ~ Bob Spiller

You can find information about Bob and his books here:

It was fun playing. Real fun. Bob gets so animated. He and his wife are a blast to hang out with and of course the four of us who developed the game wouldn't be here in the first place if we didn't have fun together.

My wife, Shannon, had a big fat slice of banana cake that was apparently delicious as well. I didn't ask her, but there weren't any leftovers. So it was an all around amazing evening of playing cards with friends and eating good grub.

That's exactly what we wanted from All or Nothing. A good social game where friends could have a bit of friendly competition anywhere they choose to do so.

For the record: I won the 5 round game. Then Barbara and I lost in last place during the teams match, but it was so close we could have won right up until the last hand. My wife and Bob Spiller (noob luck!) won the team play.

See how she treats me?

Monday, March 16, 2015

Suit Up! -- Posted by Debby

"Why," we have been asked, "are All or Nothing's hearts and diamonds white and not red like everyone is accustomed to?"

The easy answer is, "It's Shannon's fault. She's like that." But the truth is really a little more complicated.

Card games made their way to Europe from Arabia and China in the 14th century. The Arabian decks included a nifty polo club suit. Some Chinese decks had images of characters from their favorite novels. Fourteenth century Europeans, obsessed with royalty as they were, preferred the images of kings and queens.

Early European card decks were elaborately hand painted. Different countries had their favorite suits: cups, swords, acorns, leaves, batons, coins and even bells. Much lore and symbolism has been attached to card game symbols in their many permutations, and why not; we humans love stories every bit as much as we love games.

It is reported that a couple of 15th century French men, Etienne and Etienne, good friends and avid players, developed the suits of hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades generally in use today. The flattened styling was especially cheap to print. The French decks made their way to America through New Orleans.

One evening, before our little group was allowed to play our usual game, a large piece of white poster board was placed in the center of the card table. Then a plethora of pens was passed out. Previously, concepts for the look of All or Nothing had been tossed around, but still none of us knew what any of the others were talking about. Pictures being worth so many words, we were instructed to explain ourselves with drawings.

All or Nothing. Yin and Yang. Black and White. Not one color printer between the four of us.

"What if we have black suits on a white background and white suits on black? We could eliminate the red altogether?" suggested Shannon.

And why not? Pure hearts and white diamonds have as much cultural relevance as bleeding hearts and blood diamonds. It's good to look at old ideas in new light. The preliminary drawings we worked up were pretty cool. Modern simplicity and tradition combined. But how to indicate the flip cards....?

Monday, March 9, 2015

Card Tricks -- Posted by Debby

We were tired of being held to our trick bids. Well actually, we were tired of Jeff making his bids exactly while the rest of us missed ours by a little bit. We'd been playing a popular trick bid game avidly for months and we losers were starting to lose interest.

Card games with trick taking have been around since at least the 1400's. Many popular games such as Bridge, Spades, Euchre and Pinochle involve taking tricks.

Generally, trick taking works the following way. Imagine a table for four with Damon, Shannon, Jeff and Debby seated clockwise. Damon deals each player in this imaginary game, for the sake of brevity, two cards. With two cards there will be two rounds of play. Two opportunities to take tricks. The players look over their hands and 'bid', or guess really, how many tricks they will take with their two cards. Shannon, next to the dealer clockwise, bids first. Everyone's bids are noted by the score keeper.

Shannon plays out her first card, face up to the center of the table. The first to play a card in the round is called the lead. Jeff, Debby and Damon play in turn. Let's say Jeff plays the winning card. He takes the four cards played. This is called a trick. He sets them aside in a little pile and leads out with the first card of the next round, the second card in the hand. The player who plays the winning card of this round, according to the rules of whatever game is being played, wins this trick. I hope it's not Debby. She bid zero. Scores are tallied before Shannon takes the deck, shuffles and deals the second hand.

We waited until Jeff left the room to devise our plans.

"Is it a lucky chair? He always sits in the same spot."

"Is it the seating order?"

"Should we make everyone bid zero?"

"Should we let everyone change their bids half way through the hand?"

Damon, a fiction author and by far the most devious among us, went away to his desk that night scheming his friend's demise.

The next time we met, Damon's face was beaming, or maybe gloating. He proposed a new game with approximate bids, All or Nothing. Even if a player didn't quite make a bid, all would not be lost. And better, Jeff would be less able to bid exactly the number of tricks he thought he could take, so he'd be missing his bid more often. Those of us with less exacting talents would have an in. But don't ask us who won the game last night. It's an in. Not a panacea.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Our current focus is in two spots. One is a successful card testing session hopefully with a few dozen people in one room playing the game and giving us feedback.

The second focus is learning how to do a Kickstarter. This is a resource I found today that seems useful. We don't want to get ahead of our project, but it seems the video for Kickstarter is quite important. So much consternation, head scratching, and conversation will be had on that topic.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Cards are in

We received 12 decks of All or Nothing from The Game Crafter, and overall I am personally pleased with the results. The fatal flaw in the cards we got as test decks is that you can see the suit through them if you hold them up to the light, but other than that they are great. Certainly good enough for testing, and great for giving Kickstarter an idea of what our game is.

The next step for us is to get a game store to host a playtest for us.  Hopefully one of the local stores will have the same enthusiasm for the game that we do.

The other half of this team, Jeff and Debby, are working on the scoring app for electronic media today.  Designing that will be a significant part of our release, and will be part of our Kickstarter as plans stand.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Cardboard box

When I thought about card games the first thing I thought of was the cards. That seems natural. But there are other considerations that come with making a card game.

One of those is, "What will the box look like?"  This is what our test deck box looks like.

We already have a graphic design firm of some caliber reserved as the design team if our Kickstarter is successful. I don't know if I can mention their name yet. But when I can, I will, just so you can see their work online. But this is the stuff I did as a preliminary measure to give the test players a taste for the character of the game.

Here is our test box.

The blurb text will change, it's not at all professional yet. But this is the idea.

Test decks ordered

Twelve test decks, the first decks of the All or Nothing game, have been ordered. For the next few months these will be used to publically test the game, dig out any remaining holes in the rules. Ha! Like we have any of those. But if through some miracle one is found, we'll take Clubs to it and beat it to death. We'll Spade that sucker right out of the ground and then the game will shine like a Diamond. Don't you Heart that?

Rumor has it this game has already been selected as the official game of the  Rutabaga Shucking Club of America. Nevermind that I just started this rumor.


Oh yeah. Test decks ordered. Public testing. Gonna happen.

Inventing a card game

If you asked me a few years back if I'd ever invent a card game, I'd have said, "No, that's not what I do." But sometimes things come at you from odd directions, and life gives you an opportunity you didn't foresee.

My wife, our friends, and I play a lot of cards. We hang out, drink some wine, eat tasty snacks and enjoy the company. We played a game that I won't mention the name of, but let's just say it's a very good game that is based upon bidding and taking tricks.

We played this game for months. But then, over time, we started to get bored. We tried other games, but they didn't seem to have that same friendly competition we were looking for. So we did what creative people do when they play games: We made up House Rules. Silly rules, like after the deal you cut and if the exposed card is a diamond you pass your hand and bid left, a heart right, clubs across, spades you keep it. We refined the rules. We jiggled them into what we thought were pretty darn good rules.

Then my friend, realizing what we were doing, said, "We should just invent our own card games." WHAT?!?!  For some reason that really struck a bell with me, so when my wife and I went home that night All or Nothing was born as I stayed up until the wee hours thinking about it. It wasn't born in the final design. Heck, it might still not be in the final design. But it was born and my friend came up with an idea for a game as well.  So here we are, after a few months of playtesting the game with a deck we made ourselves.  We've come a long way in a few months. We have a testing deck design and 12 decks ordered. We have plans for a Kickstarter and will be executing that in the next month or two. We are going to have public playtests.

Why?  Because if you like playing competitive games with your friends, this game is fun!  One card played well from your hand can cost two other players their goal. You'll find yourself celebrating as you manage to get rid of an ALL card you didn't want. Or moaning as that ALL card you counted on to take a trick is turned into garbage by your best friend. What a jerk, right? We haven't even gone into what you can do with the NOTHING cards.

It won't be long before this game is available on Kickstarter, and we're going to need your support to get it out the door. Please join us in creating a game revolution that will result in hours and hours of fun at your house. Your friends will ask you to bring the game to theirs. Don't be fooled. They're only asking so they can kick your butt.

Welcome to our page. Our news outlet. And, at least for a while, our web presence. Play nice on here, but once you have this game in your hands, you don't have to any more.